Searching for request header limits
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I recently encountered an interesting challenge where an application I work on rejected HTTP requests due to a large header above the limit of the server. Specifically, NodeJS adjusted their max header size by default to 8KB within the past couple of years as seen within this commit. However, even though I could adjust the default NodeJS max header size to a larger value, other systems existed before and after this NodeJS instance that propagate the header. So, these other systems remain susceptible to rejecting my request as well. How can I easily identify the maximum header size accepted by the entire system in concert?
Rather than digging into the technical documentation and implementation of each system at hand, I figured I could use this as an opportunity to continue to explore Golang and get my computer to discover the answer for me. I could feasibly send varying sized request headers and inspect the response of the request to determine whether it succeeded or failed. Through a simple search across a range of values I could identify the largest request header size that provides a successful response.
This presented an interesting problem. I want to find an unknown value within a range of values, which I will use to construct appropriately sized requests to a target application. A naive approach could consist of starting at the lowest part of the range and iterate through the range increasing by one until the requests go from success to failure within an iteration. However, if I want the granularity of bytes, then with this approach I may send thousands of requests depending on the size of the range. Not only does this seem inefficient or slow, but the system might even consider my search as a Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attack. How could I find my answer in as few requests as possible?
This seemed like an appropriate place for binary search. I had a range of sorted values, which consisted of possible request header sizes in the unit of bytes. I could take the median of the range, then use that for my first request to see if it succeeds or fails. If it fails, then I know I do not care about range of values above the median and can place my attention on the bottom half of values. Inversely, if it succeeds, then I can forget about the lower half of values and focus on the upper half. With my new range of values cut in half, then I can continue this process over and over again until I reach my answer. I know I have found my answer when the low header size provides a successful request, the high header size provides a failed request, and the low and the high header sizes have a difference of one.
Listed below is some psuedocode for conducting this search similar to my implementation.
low := 4000 // bottom end of range
high := 12000 // top end of range
for (high - low) != 1 {
median := (low + high) / 2
statusCode := invoke(url, median)
okStatus := statusCode >= 200 && statusCode < 300
if okStatus {
low = median
} else {
high = median
lowStatusCode := invoke(url, low)
lowStatusOk := lowStatusCode >= 200 && lowStatusCode < 300
highStatusCode := invoke(url, high)
highStatusOk := highStatusCode >= 200 && highStatusCode < 300
if (high - low) == 1 && lowStatusOk && !highStatusOk {
fmt.Printf("Max Header Size: %s", low)
The only issue I ran into a decent amount of challenge with consisted of identifying the exact header size. With each strategy I attempted my application would find a max header size within ~11-70 bytes of what I would expect with my tests against a local NodeJS server. This led me to believe either I did not arrive at the correct header request size value within my application or the NodeJS max header size did not abide by its own max request header size. Either way, I think less than 100 bytes of error seemed reasonable for the answer I sought.
I ended up calculating the request header size in a simple fashion with
func hdrLength(req *http.Request) int {
data, err := httputil.DumpRequest(req, false)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "error: %v", err)
return len(data)
You can find my full implementation at: